Saturday, November 18, 2006

It started with a question…

Planning for Ellettsville Main Street’s 2007 activities began in earnest on Thursday, November 16, 2006. It started with the following question. What if Ellettsville Main Street did/started/continued _________________ (fill in the blank with your idea)? Simple enough, but responders were challenged to only list projects that sparked the following thoughts. “That idea would be something I’d really enjoy…my time would be well spent. I could see myself really engaged in carrying out this project.”

Here are the ideas and projects that emerged.

Documents Ellettsville history (encompassing written, video and photography)
Parks and recreation improvements
Continued the Heritage Trail project
Keep Town Hall downtown
Attract more businesses, especially a restaurant/community gathering place
Downtown beautification (planters, signs, more banners)
Limestone bench contest
Public art in the community
Sponsor a Farmers market downtown

At the first planning meeting, people were encouraged to spend time talking with one another about projects that interested them. Several related ideas were grouped together. Future blog posts will summarize what has been discussed to date. Ellettsville Main Street welcomes your comments on any and all ideas mentioned.

Based upon discussions at the planning meeting and comments received on this blog, the EMS Board will prepare its 2007 action plan at their December 14, 2006 meeting. Please attend if you are interested in learning more.

A future post will have details on time and place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great idea. Took us a minute or two, but got our ideas going. Keep up the good work. It was great to hear some new ideas.

I hope we can get some fresh interest in our projects and some folks willing to put the time in their ideas.
